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Mark Alexander-Warne

Personal Trainer

Nutrition Coach

Weight Loss

Senior Fitness Specialist

Glute Specialist

Myofascial Release

Online Coaching Specialist



Functional fitness for seniors

Mark Alexander-Warne

Ready to feel younger and better than you have in years?
I’m looking for 10 grandparents and/or retired people to help gain enough strength, mobility and endurance to carry groceries, play and ride bikes with their grandkids while reducing back and muscle aches. 

After a lifetime of observing friends and colleagues, I have realized a sad truth.

Most older people have way too much pain in their joints, low energy, poor posture and reduced muscle mass.

They are missing out on the joy of life in their golden years that only vibrant health can bring. 

They regularly live with:

  • Aches and pain in their backs and joints

  • Inability to have the strength to do basic household chores like grocery shopping

  • Not having enough energy to play with their grandchildren

  • A real fear of falling and breaking a bone

  • A loss of their independence


And worst of all, they think that this is normal for people “of a certain age”. 

Instead of living their best possible life, they resign themselves to being in constant pain, having low energy and becoming less and less independent. 

They think that this is everyone’s fate when they are in what SHOULD be their Golden Years.

They watch themselves, friends and family member succumb to this preordained “truth”.  They don’t realize that there are simple routines that you can practice to:

  • Have pain-free movement

  • Increase muscle mass

  • Reduce the risk of falls

  • Give you more energy

  • Help you keep your independence.


If you're honest with yourself...

You know what to do, but something is stopping you.

What qualifies me as someone who can help you regain your youthful vigor?

  • Senior Health and Fitness Enthusiast

  • Certified Personal Trainer and Senior Fitness Specialist

  • Certified Nutrition Coach

  • Weight Loss Specialist

  • Over 30 years teaching experience


I understand the specific exercise adaptations that older adults need. How?  Besides my senior fitness certification, I have first-hand experience.  I am 66 myself.  I have had to modify my workouts because I don’t recover as quickly as I used to.  I have overcome injuries and have a touch of arthritis from a broken elbow years ago.   That doesn’t stop me from doing everything I want to do.  I want you to be as active as you desire as well!


I’ve decided to put together a brand new beta Golden Years Mobility program to help seniors and retirees optimize their health.


This is going to be a powerful, three-month transformation of you literally from your head to your toes.


And as one of the first five pioneers, I’m going to thank you by creating everything tailored and customised just for you.


You’re going to get direct, one-to-one access to me and we’re going to tackle every problem you have together.


Once this program is complete, I will be charging far north of £1000 for this program and it won’t include my personal one-to-one time or customised attention at anywhere near the level you’re going to get.

Want to join them?

If this has resonated with you. I urge you to not just scroll past it and do nothing.

Because nothing will change if you keep doing what you're doing.

If you want something you've never had before, you need to do something you've never done before.

This is an absolute truth. Don't try to hide from it.

Nobody is going to magic you into a better life.

YOU need to go and GET that life.

If you're looking for an actionable step to take to start you on that path. The good news is, I've got you.

This isn't for the tyre-kickers in life. Sorry, not sorry.

I need to work with people who are serious.

Stop dreading Mondays. Start living life.

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